Serenity Sleep Labs, serves the community of Los Angeles with a wide variety of sleep testing services. It is an overnight performance that tests and provides the patients with state-of-the-art equipment, a comfortable testing and sleeping environment and attentive personal service.
What is a Sleep Lab?
A sleep lab is a facility where a patient is carefully monitored by a special sleep technician while comfortably sleeping. Some sleep lab tests are performed while you sleep during the day and others while you sleep at night, depending on the condition suspected.
Sensors are attached to a patient when sleeping meanwhile monitoring all your brain and muscle activity, breathing, eye movements, dream patterns, heart rate and rhythm. The patient also is observed and videotaped while sleeping so the doctor can later compare the visible body activity with the sensor data collected. The results of this type of testing can help the patients doctor determine not only what type of sleep disorder he/she has but also help determine and refine the appropriate treatment plan.
What you can expect at your sleep study?
Most patients are referred to the Serenity Sleep Laboratories by their primary care physician, who prescribes the sleep test. Proper diagnosis of sleep disorders requires an overnight sleep study or polysomnogram.
On the day of your test:
There are very few requirements for the day leading up to your sleep study. However, it is very important to avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, chocolate) after 12:00 NOON and try not to nap. Before coming to the sleep center, eat a normal meal, wash and dry your hair, and do not apply hair sprays, oils or gels. Be sure to bring a change of clothes for the next day, toiletries and your favorite pillow if you like.
Be sure to inform your physician about any medications that you may be taking well before your study night! This includes prescription medications, over the counter medications and dietary supplements such as melatonin and diet pills.
Arriving at the Sleep Center:
The technologist will greet you when you arrive at the sleep center and show you to your bedroom. At that time he/she will review the sleep study procedure with you and you will be given a chance to ask questions about any element of your study. The technologist will ask you fill out some forms and questionnaires. Be sure to let us know about your current health and physical condition. It is very important to provide us the following information:
1.Any medications you have taken in the 24 hours prior to your arrival.
2.Any sleep difficulties you that have not already been discussed with your physician.
3.Any recent changes in your overall health. Do you have a cold or did you have trouble sleeping on the previous
4.Do you need to be at work at a certain time the next day? You may want to reschedule other commitments for the
morning, but if that is not possible confirm a wake-up time when you arrive at the sleep center.
After filling out your papers you'll have time to make yourself comfortable, change into nightclothes and prepare for bed, just as you would at home. Your arrival time is scheduled to insure that you have enough time to complete your bed time tasks prior to the technologist applying the probes for you sleep study. If there is additional time you can read, watch TV or relax as you normally would at home.
Usually arrival time is 8 p.m.. Patients have the sleep study by spending a night at the comfortable, private and well-appointed room, decorated like a five star hotel room that overlooks ocean. We also provide special accommodations for the disable.
A key part of a sleep study is to understand what is happening while you sleep. The study is a noninvasive, painless procedure during which sensors are placed on your skin. This is to monitor your brain waves, heart rate, eye movement, chin and leg movements, and respiratory activity. The technologist will also monitor your breathing effort, air flow and blood-oxygen saturation. The evaluation includes EEG and EKG monitoring. Setup can take 30-45 minutes or more in order to get everything connected properly.
•EEG or electroencephalogram, is a major part of a sleep study. It measures and records four forms of brain wave activity - alpha, beta, delta and theta waves. Alpha waves are usually found during relaxed wakefulness, particularly when your eyes are closed. Theta waves are seen during the lighter sleep stages 1 and 2, while delta waves occur chiefly in deep sleep, the so-called "slow wave sleep" found in sleep stages 3 and 4.
•EMG or electromyogram, records muscle activity such as face twitches, teeth grinding, and leg movements. It also helps in determining the presence of REM stage sleep. The amount and duration of these activities provides the doctor important information about your sleep.
•EOG or electro-oculogram, records eye movements. These movements are important in determining the different sleep stages, particularly REM stage sleep. The electrodes are usually placed on the outer aspect of your right eyebrow and along the outer aspect below or beneath your left eye.
•EKG or electrocardiogram, records heart activities, such as rate and rhythm. Electrodes are placed on your chest.
•Nasal Airflow Sensor: Records breath temperature, airflow, apnea and hypopnea events. A sensor is placed near your nose and mouth.
•Chest/Abdomen Belts: Records breathing depth, apnea and hypopnea events. Elastic belts are placed around your chest and abdomen.
•Oximeter: Records blood oxygen saturation. A band-aid like clip is placed on a finger.
•Video: Records body positioning and movements.
•Snore Microphone: Records snoring. An electrode is placed over your trachea, on your lower neck.
The patient may read or watch TV until he/she are sleepy. The patient can go to sleep when he/she is ready. A sleep technician will monitor the patient all night, from just outside of the room, via a camera that is in every bedroom and the sensors connected to the patients body. Should the patient, at any time need assistance, he/she can call for the technician. Also, the technician can adjust the bedroom's temperature to suit patients personal preference.
Some sleep disorders are generally worse in a particular sleep stage, such as sleep apnea during REM sleep and PLMD in NREM sleep. PSG technician and sleep specialist are well aware of these facts and want the patient to get as good a night's sleep as possible in order to make the test experience pleasant.
In the morning, the technician will disconnect the sensors, using soap, water and sometimes adhesive remover. All products used at our facility are state-of-the-art and carefully monitored for patient safety and comfort you can wash up, change and go about a normal day or the patient may enjoying the fresh ocean air on the patio which overlooks the beautiful ocean in Marina Del Rey.
Results of your sleep study will be returned to your physician along with a recommended plan for treatment.
© 2004 Serenity Sleep Labs. All rights reserved