Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is also known as Wittmaack-Ekboms Syndrome, and the jimmylegs (an informal nickname given to periodic limb movement disorder by Cosmo Kramer from the television show Seinfeld). RLS is a movement disorder that occurs before sleep, oftentimes causing insomnia. Irresistible urge to constantly move ones body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensation. RLS may be an indescribable feeling that affects the legs. It may also affect the arms or torso and even phantom limbs. The sensation may be identified as creeping, crawling, aching, burning, tickling sensation, and the urge to constantly move one's legs.
Some patients who complain of RLS, also complain of leg movements in sleep. RLS may start at any age including early childhood and can progress in some. Also it may worsen in pregnancy More than 60% of case of RLS are genetic. However, no one knows the exact cause of RLS at present.
The following symptoms can indicate the presence of RLS. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, give us a call at (818) 80-SLEEP and we can diagnose your sleep disorder.
•Iron Deficiency (which accounts for just over 20% of all cases of RLS)
•Varicose vein
•Folate deficiency
•Magnesium deficiency,
•Sleep apnea
•Thyroid disease
•Peripheral neuropathy
•Parkinson's disease
After being diagnosed for RLS there are various forms of treatments to manage the condition and relieve discomfort: Although, no cure exists for RLS. If your symptoms are mild, self-help may be sufficient treatment. Generally, patients with restless legs have to massage/rub, march or walk the sensations off. These symptoms may also occur during the day and are sometimes described as 'active legs.' Treatment for RLS usually involves medication. Any medical decisions should be made in follow-up visits with the physician. If your Restless Legs Syndrome is caused by an underlying condition, then treatment often cures the RLS.